The best time to do this is in the evening before you go to bed, because it is very relaxing. You can also do this whenever you feel stressed or upset. It will help you. Look at the image of Eugenia (above) to see how to hold your right hand. The thumb and the little finger are extended and the other fingers are curled into the palm of your hand. Your left hand is relaxed on your left knee with the palm facing up.
- Close your right nostril with your right thumb.
- Inhale slowly through the left nostril until you count 3 OMS. Imagine that you are inhaling Prana with the air.
- Close your left nostril with the little finger of your right hand.
- Hold your breath for 12 OMS. If this is too difficult, start with 6 OMS and build up to 12 in time.
- As you do this, send the current down your spinal column and straight into the triangular Chakra in your coccyx (tailbone).
- Imagine that the nerve current is striking against the Chakra and awakening the Kundalini.
- Slowly exhale through the right nostril, counting 6 OMS.
- Close your left nostril with the little finger of your right hand and inhale slowly through your right nostril until you count 3 OMS. Again, imagine that you are inhaling Prana with the air.
- Close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand.
- Hold your breath for 12 OMS. If this is too difficult, start with 6 OMS and build up to 12 in time.
- As you do this, send the current down your spinal column and straight into the triangular Chakra in your coccyx (tailbone).
- Imagine that the nerve current is striking against the Chakra and awakening the Kundalini.
- Slowly exhale through the left nostril, counting 6 OMS.

While doing this pranayama to harmonize your breath to awaken the Kundalini, it is also helpful to imagine positive emotions like compassion, peace, joy and love. Imagine what these words mean and feel that they are becoming a part of you. Inhale them. Feel them deeply. If you have any negative emotions like anger or self-indulgence, imagine that you can exhale them out of your system as you do this. If you begin to feel something moving deep within you, allow it to move slowly through you. Remain relaxed. As the energy of the Kundalini rises in the Susumna (also called Sushmana Nadi) up to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), you can feel it grow from something small to something quite extraordinary. But I repeat (ad nauseam!): there is no need to rush. Relax and take your time and everything will be so much easier. This is true about everything in life. According to my teacher and to Kirpal Singh, “Pranayam should be done after answering the call of nature and after thorough cleansing of the body. It should be practiced alone in a sitting posture. (It is best to do near an open window to get fresh air into your lungs.) Bathing is to be avoided immediately after such exercises. (You want to keep the energy flowing without disruption.) All practice is directed to driving the mind to its source and to get it absorbed in Spirit.”Traditional Buddhist Breath Meditation
How to Sing or Speak with Power - Part 1
How To Speak or Sing With Power - Part 2
How To Speak or Sing With Power - Part 3
How To Blow Your Own Horn
Breath Techniques for Healing
How to Quit Smoking
Complete Yoga Breath - Introduction
Complete Yoga Breath - The Larynx
Complete Yoga Breath - The Diaphragm
Complete Yoga Breath - The Ribcage
Complete Yoga Breath - The Collarbone
One Complete Yoga Breath
Breath Tips and Benefits
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