There are nearly 700 pages on practical How-To's of Yoga on this site. This is a sitemap of the categories (navigation menu, shown left) with page details for each.
All of the features are listed in sequential order with titles to make it easy for you. If you prefer to go to a specific category, the links below will take you there on this page. Thank you.
Moon Salutation
The Moon Salutation has 14 steps. Each page gives a complete How-To for each step.
Sun Salutation
The Sun Salutation is 12 steps. Each page gives a complete How-To for each step.
A remarkable true story about me and how Yoga came into my life.
Introduction to Yoga Breath Techniques Your breath is your life. This series teaches you how to breathe to prolong your life and improve your health.
The 1st Stage of the Complete Yoga Breath - The Larynx Learn how to use your larynx to inhale and exhale your breath. Learn to breathe - open.
The 2nd Stage of the Complete Yoga Breath - The Diaphragm Learn how to use the biggest muscle in your body to fill the lower part of your body with energy.
The 3rd Stage of the Complete Yoga Breath - The Ribcage Stretch your ribcage like an accordion and open your sternum to fill the middle part of your lungs with energy.
The 4th Stage of the Complete Yoga Breath - The Collarbone Learn how to fill the upper part of your lungs with energy by feeling how the collarbone rises.
The 5th Stage of the Complete Yoga Breath - One Complete Yoga Breath Learn how to breathe The Complete Yoga Breath to fill your entire body from your toes to the tip of your head with the life force, Prana.
Breath Tips and Benefits Breath techniques to help you learn how to breathe properly.
Sukh-Purvak Learn how to breathe to open the Chakras.
Traditional Buddhist Breath Meditation A simple, but difficult meditation. According to Buddha, if you can do this for one hour without distraction, you are enlightened.
Breathing Techniques to Empower Your Voice Learn how to Sing or Speak with Power.
How To Cleanse Your Lungs Learn how to cleanse your lungs. Smokers of anything should do this every day. Additional breath techniques are provided in this series.
Ancient Techniques How to find your inner voice, deep and clear and vibrating, and much more.
How To Blow Your Own Horn If you are a musician, or someone who would like to play any type of horn instrument, this is for you. This is a private lesson with one of Sweden's top teachers and musicians.
Breath Techniques for Healing A comprehensive series for breath self-healing. Breath is one of the most powerful ways to heal pain, stress, and many other ailments.
How to Quit Smoking It is my wish that you will be able to quit wasting your money on this self-indulgent habit while children are starving anywhere.

Postures To Open Chakras Hundreds of How-To's with preliminary stretches to full postures. This series focuses on the Yoga postures that are specific for Chakras.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Yogi Maharishi Svaatmar Rama, who lived in the 17th century, wrote this book. There are many translations. This series teaches how to understand Yoga through classical postures as written in the Pradipika. Anyone who is serious about Yoga should read this ancient text.
Nakra Kriyas This series might be new to many Yoga students, even those who are more advanced. Also called Crocodile and Fish Relaxation Kriyas, these exercises are easy to do and powerful for back problems of any kind.
Other Favorites The classic path to Yoga is in the 8 steps according to the father of Yoga, Maharishi Patanjali. He lived about 200 years before Christ. He systematically wrote the ancient teachings of Yoga in his famous book, Yoga Sutras. You need to know about this if you want to seriously know what Yoga is about.
All Postures on this Site All postures on this site in alphabetical order.

How to Achieve Relaxation An introduction to How To relax and what it means to your health.
Complete Yoga Relaxation Print these pages and do them daily to get rid of stress. (A 30-minute deep relaxation on CD is available in the Products section of this site. It is the Relaxation that is also on the DVD, YogaNata, also available i in the Products section.)
Detailed Yoga Relaxation Learn about stress and find out how stressed you are.
Other Ways to Let Go A collection of ways to let go of stress.
What is Good Stress-What is Bad Stress? Some scientific information about stress.
The Importance of Sleep for Stress-Management Why sleep is something you need in your life and how to get enough of it.
How To Relax and Sleep Tips for relaxing to be able to sleep soundly.

Introduction to Meditation What is Meditation? An introduction.
Candle Flame Meditation Vivekananda, Trataka (Object Meditation)
How To Apply Yoga Meditation Techniques Many ways to learn how to meditate.
Other Meditation Techniques A collection from various methods of meditation.
Chakra Meditations How to meditate on Chakras.
Traditional Buddha Breath Meditation Covered above in the Breath series, this is the same feature.
How to Meditate Details about how to meditate.
Transcendental Meditation Getting your Mantra from the TM organization is a wise decision if you want to learn this form of meditation. You cannot do this without receiving a personal Mantra through the international organization.
Mantra Yoga and Meditation Combination of Mantra Yoga and Meditation.
4 Directions Meditation A technique from the 1940s by an unknown author. Compelling to do.
Thoughts on Meditation by Jody Boyne, an amazing person, practitioner and author.
Improve Your Vision and Focus The Tibetan Eye Chart Meditation that the lamas used in Tibet to improve their vision. There is a link to the Web site that sells it, too.

8 Segments - Introduction to Chakras Everything you ever wanted to know about Chakras.
Quotes by Yogananda Wonderful quotes by Yogananda and others.
Quotes by Iyengar and others Iyengar quote on Chakras.
Details about Chakra system Learn what Chakras are and how they work.
More Details about Chakra system Go deeper into details about Chakras.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Chakras The various Chakras and how they function.
Healing with Chakra Colors and Sounds Playing on your own strings.
More on Chakras A collection thoughts about Chakras.
Muladhara Chakra - the Root of it all
Definitions of Muladhara
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Muladhara
Svadhisthana Chakra - Sacral
Definitions of Svadhisthana
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Svadhisthana
Manipura Chakra - Navel-Spleen
Definitions of Manipura
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Manipura
Anahata Chakra - Heart
Definitions of Anahata
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Anahata
Visuddha Chakra - Throat
Definitions of Visuddha
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Visuddha
Anja Chakra - Third Eye
Definitions of Anja
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Anja
Sahasrara Chakra - Crown
Definitions of Sahasrara
Blocked or Open - Healing Visualizations
Favorite Quotes on Chakras
Yoga Postures to Open Sahasrara

Moon Salutation
8 Phases of the Moon
The Moon Salutation has 14 steps. Each page gives a complete How-To for each step.
Moon Salutation—Steps 1-2
Moon Salutation—Steps 3-4
Moon Salutation—Steps 5-6
Moon Salutation—Steps 7-8
Moon Salutation—Steps 9-10
Moon Salutation—Steps 11-12
Moon Salutation—Steps 13-14
Moon Salutation - More details
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Introduction
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 2
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 3
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 4
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 5

Sun Salutation
Sun Facts
The Sun Salutation is 12 steps. Each page gives a complete How-To for each step.
Sun Salutation Steps 1-2
Sun Salutation Step 3
Sun Salutation Steps 4-5
Sun Salutation Steps 6-7
Sun Salutation Step 8
Sun Salutation Steps 9-10
Sun Salutation Steps 11-12
Power of the Sun
Sun Salutation Mini-Poster to Print!

My Story
A remarkable true story about me and how Yoga came into my life.
Sweden How Sweden became my home.
Sven How meeting Sven changed our lives.
Ramacharaka How Ramacharaka's book brought the past back to me.
Eugenia Basilewsky How Eugenia blessed my life.
The Miracles of Yoga How Yoga Creates Miracles - Part 1. Story about an experience from babyhood bringing a miraculous healing to a student.
The Miracles of Yoga How Yoga Creates Miracles - Part 2. Story about how a Yoga singing lesson unleashed someone's true voice for the first time.

What is Yoga?
When someone asks what kind of Yoga I teach, I tell them “as many as I know!” Most of the Yoga methods that are taught, including Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga, Power, and many others, with specific brand names, all stem from the ancient teachings of the Upanishads/Vedas, Yoga Sutras, and Patanjali. I cover the ancient teachings on this site to some extent, but most of the teachings are directly from my Yoga teacher, Eugenia Basilewsky (who was still the greatest Yoga teacher I have ever met). There are surely many more, but this is what she taught me and what I feel comfortable in presenting to you. The following is included in this series:- Patanjali The classic path to Yoga is in the 8 steps according to the father of Yoga, Maharishi Patanjali. Excerpts from his famous book, Yoga Sutras, are provided.
- Pranayama These breath techniques are exerpted (with editing) from Hatha Yoga Pradipika. There is another section for Postures from Hatha Yoga Pradipika (included above under Postures). The entire Breath series includes Pranayama (= rhythmic control of breath) techniques.
- Immortals I focus on Einstein first for this series. He is the greatest immortal in my mind. I think he was probably one of the most enlightened beings ever. Other Immortals will be added to this section in the future, including all those who have illuminated me personally in my life. I choose immortals because they don't care if their wisdom is shared all over the world with their names on it!
Yoga Products
YOGANATA, our 1-hour DVD with a Manual (written about in detail in other areas of this site), and YOGANIDRA, our audio CD with the Complete Yoga Relaxation are no longer available on a shopping cart. If you are interested, you can contact Kathryn.
Yoga Online
The One-Stop Yoga Web Search This is a huge section of Web sites in alphabetical order (easy to go back and forth) of the best Yoga and Meditation sites online as of February 2007. This is an ongoing section, of course. There is no way one person can find every great site online that covers Yoga and Meditation. I have attempted to do this for you. Send me the best there is only. I am not including sites that are only marketing themselves and what they are doing in a town, city or state. I understand that you need to do this, but there are just too many of you. Please only send me sites that have concrete how-to steps that anyone can use, anywhere. Send them to me without descriptions. I'll check them out on my own. Thanks!