Click here for my favorite Yoga Links that I found useful in my research and that provide realistic and factual information about the Chakra system, too. But keep in mind that this site will expand on a daily basis. Since I am doing everything on my own, it takes more time. Check back often to see new Yoga links, and if you have any suggestions—let me know and I will add them if they are appropriate. You can also click on the Muladhara link below, or on the image above-right, to begin your journey through the individual Chakras. This is where you will get all the details about each Chakra. As I close my Introductory pages to enter the world of each Chakra, I want to add a very simple, straightforward explanation by John Pierrakos. This is an article from the 1960s entitled The Sexual Aspect of the Universal Energy in East West Journal when it was still a newspaper. “...they are electromagnetic, they are biological fields which include very many types of spectral energy. But in addition to that, there is a specificity about the energetic functions which cannot be defined electro-magnetically or in any other way. In other words, there are energies that cannot be defined according to the known laws of physics today.” Speaking about auras (emanations of the Chakras from the astral body connected to the physical body), he wrote: “It appears this energy force emanates around the diaphragm and moves down towards the legs and up towards the head. So the human being on the side view is like a kidney bean. From the front the energy looks like a flat eight. At the same time, there are spiral movements that fuse with it around the body as an envelope. It has a light blue color when at rest, and it has a pulsatory rate that ranges between 15 to 25 times a minute.” He provides a how-to exercise to see auras: “Allow the energy of your body to come into your eyes. You have to allow a flow of movement into the eyes and not just look, but allow your eyes to encompass the whole plant, let's say (to start with), and try to look beyond the object so that the cones in the eye will not focus and look for details. Then you will see the surrounding area. If you have a diffused light such as the light of dawn, you perceive cloudy envelopes around objects. If you view a tree or plant against the background of a blue sky, you will perceive this pulsatory envelope moving in and out. It's very exciting. The same thing can be perceived when you look at the ocean. The borderline between the ocean and the horizon will appear blue-grey, with rays shooting up. Then you will perceive there is an energy field over the ocean.” I have been lucky enough to learn about Chakras from several people I highly admire and trust. First and foremost, my teacher and guide for so many years, Eugenia Basilewsky (this site is dedicated to her). As you will read when you continue through these pages, she translated the Upanishads and Vedas for me from Sanskrit to English every week for 12 years.

Yogananda's Self-Realization home-study lessons have taught me so much, too. If one practices everything he teaches, one will experience the Chakras and much more. I highly recommend buying books that are practical and have how to's included. Experience has taught me that books can be an enlightening experience if the writer shares the down-to-earth, practical how to's that you can do at your own pace to awaken the spiritual centers connected to your body. Ze'ev Kolman, one of the most astounding healers I have ever met, is able to see the aura clearly and knows how to work with it to bring about healthy change. His Web site describes him, but nothing is the same as actually feeling the energy that literally streams out of his hands into your body—so much so, that you can feel it, physically, like electrical charges. Some people feel it as pins and needles, others like a web being formed around their body, and others like warm water gushing from their head down to their toes. It's quite profound, and very unique. If you live in New York City or South Florida, lucky you. However, he can also do distance healing. Check out his site (www.zeevkolmanhealer.net). The site doesn't represent him as I know him to be, but there is a wonderful newsletter archive with articles and testimonials that are fun to read. And there is information about Ze'ev and his books.