Edgar Cayce said that we should learn about endocrine glands to fully understand the Chakra system, because he stated that the Chakra system IS the endocrine system. Personally, I don't agree with that, but I would say that the endocrine system, along with everything else in the body, is regulated by the Chakra system. In other words, we would not be alive without our Chakra System. It is our personal solar and lunar system. It is true that the endocrine glands act as the points of connection, a partnership between a body and its spirit one could say. These connections transform into concrete mentality and physical consciousness. This is why what we think of our bodies is so incredibly important. If we do not love our own body as our living temple to worship, then how can our body respond with loving health? And why should anyone else care about us if we don't care about ourselves? “Learning about the unlimited potential power in the body begins with the understanding of the Kundalini, which is said to lie dormant and coiled three and one half times at the base of the spine.... The chakras are thought to be swirling vortices where energy is transformed, absorbed, filtered and distributed to the incorporeal and physical body. The incorporeal, or etheric, body is said to be an exact replica of the physical body but projects an aura of about one-quarter inch beyond the skin....” —History of Occult by T. Wynn Griffon “A Human Being is part of the Whole, called by us the 'Universe'—a part limited in Time and Space. He experiences himself, his Thoughts and Feelings, as something separate from the rest, a kind of Optical Delusion of His Consciousness. This Delusion is a kind of Prison for us, restricting us to our personal Desires and to affection for a few Persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this Prison by widening our circle of Compassion to embrace all living Creatures and the Whole of Nature in its Beauty. Nobody is able to Achieve this completely, but the striving for such Achievement is in itself a part of the Liberation and Foundation for Inner Security.” —Optical Delusion from Consciousness by Albert Einstein