When I use the words inhalation and exhalation, I refer to the Yoga method of breathing—consciously with intention. You can learn how to breathe properly by listening to the sound of The Complete Yoga Breath! (This link is also provided on every page of this site in the top right column. There is also a detailed instruction in the category of Breath, which is an extensive series on breathing techniques that are used together with Yoga postures and for self-healing.)Details of Your Focus
- With each inhalation, you will feel that your body is being filled from the coccyx (tailbone) up into the ribcage and into both lungs—with crystal-like energy. In Sanskrit, the word for energy or life force, is Prana.
- Holding your breath is only dominated by how long it feels good, and the capacity of your lungs will determine this. Don't push it. That is not relaxing. If you have serious heart or respiratory problems, or asthma, do not hold your breath. Just continue to breathe deeply.
- For everyone else, while you hold your breath, keep your body as still as possible in the position it is able to hold, comfortably. Pain does not mean gain in Yoga. Yoga is about moderation and loving your body. Don't overdo it.
- Exhalations should be short.
- Holding of one's breath after exhalation is also short.
- Concentrate on the spot just above and between your eyebrows, aka The Third Eye or the 6th Chakra—Ajna—which is ruled astrologically by the planet Mercury.
- Once you succeed in focusing on this spot, visualize that there is a radiant and cool full Moon with an indigo background, and that its rays of light and soothing energy stream through your entire body from this the spot between your eyebrows, down to your tailbone. The tailbone (coccyx) is also known as the 1st or Root Chakra—Muladhara—which is ruled astrologically by the planet Saturn. (There is also a comprehensive Chakra Series on this site.)
- The movements you do in with this will widen and loosen up all of the spaces around your pelvis, hips, knees and ankles, which then allows the life force to enter into them to heal, stretch, strengthen and relax. This helps to open the Root Chakra.
- A healing energy is felt from the blood circulating throughout the body.
- The possibility to eventually sit in the Lotus position can be realized.
- The solar plexus and sexual organs get an inner massage, which helps to open the 2nd and 3rd Chakras.
- The blood is cleansed of toxins and enriched with oxygen.
- The body and mind are relaxed.
- Not a drop of energy is wasted ... just the opposite: there is a feeling of strength that fills the entire body.

Benefits of the Moon Salutation
Moon Salutation—Steps 1-2
Moon Salutation—Steps 3-4
Moon Salutation—Steps 5-6
Moon Salutation—Steps 7-8
Moon Salutation—Steps 9-10
Moon Salutation—Steps 11-12
Moon Salutation—Steps 13-14
Moon Salutation—More details
The 8 Phases of the Moon
The Complete Yoga Breath