Step 7 - Inhalation
Short Breath Retention - Exhalation

- In this position there will be a short breath retention. If you feel tension, exhale and inhale again.
- Note: Do not hold your breath if you have respiratory or heart problems.
- Inhale as you place your hands and fingers on the ground (or floor) and bend your leftt knee between your hands (see image above). Your spine should be straight in this position.
- Stretch your right leg behind you with your knee on the ground. Your right toe will point out to the side and the inside of the right heel should be on the ground. Try to hold your foot perpendicular. Exhale before getting ready to do the next position.

Step 8 - Slow Inhalation

- From Step 7 above, inhale slowly and bring the weight of your body to the right knee. Support your toes on your right foot in the ground and bring your weight to the right knee, as shown in this image.
- Once again, if you can bring your heel down as shown, try that. If that is too difficult, just be comfortable with your right foot until you have loosened up all the muscles firsst. There is no need to rush. You'll get there with practice, believe me. I know that's hard to believe right now.
- If this is just to difficult to do, click on the link to Step 5 below to read about the preliminary stretches again for beginners.
- Continuing from above with inhalation, lift your arms up. Your left knee is bent and your left heel is deeply grounded. Put your weight on the ball of your foot (that part on the inner side that bulges). Feel the stretch in your entire body. This stretch helps to massage the Chakras.
- Exhale as you bring your hands down to the floor and lie on your stomach to prepare for what is very similar to the Cobra asana. In Sanskrit—Bhujangasana (Bhujanga = serpent, snake). Get ready for Step #9 of The Moon Salutation.
The Moon Salutation - Steps 9-10
The Moon Salutation - Steps 11-12
The Moon Salutation - Steps 13-14
The Moon Salutation - More details
The 8 Phases of the Moon
The Complete Yoga Breath
The Moon Salutation - Introduction
The Moon Salutation - Steps 1-2
The Moon Salutation - Steps 3-4
The Moon Salutation - Steps 5-6