The Moon Salutation - Tips - Bedtime Series
(Above) Image from DVD. View 30-second clips of—
The Bow and
Shoulder Stand
The DVD Kit includes Yoga Dance, Breath, Relaxation, and a 44-page How To Manual.
A Relaxation Deep Sleep CD is also available on its own. If you need to feel better, or sleep like a baby, visit Kathryn in her office! Our shopping cart is no longer open, but you can order directly from
Complete Yoga Breath
with Sound!
Links to Moon series
Click to enlarge
images below
for detailed instructions.

1st Step - 2nd Step

3rd Step - 4th Step

5th Step - 6th Step

7th Step - 8th Step

9th Step - 10th Step

11th Step - 12th Step

13th Step - 14th Step
Moon Phases

New Moon - Waxing Crescent

1st Qtr. - Waxing Gibbous

Full Moon - Waning Gibbous

Last Qtr. - Waning Crescent
January: Full Wolf Moon—Storm Moon—Old Moon—Moon after Yule
February: Full Snow Moon—Chaste Moon—Hunger Moon—Wolf Moon
March: Full Worm—Seed Moon—Harvest Moon—Sap Moon—Crow Moon—Lenten Moon
April: Full Pink Moon—Hare Moon—Grass Moon—Egg Moon
May: Full Flower Moon—Dyad Moon—Planting Moon—Milk Moon
(Dyad: Latin for twin stars of the constellation of Castor and Pollux.)
June: Full Strawberry Moon—Mead Moon—Rose Moon—Flower Moon
July: Full Buck Moon—Wort Moon—Thunder Moon—Hay Moon
August: Full Sturgeon Moon—Barley Moon—Green Corn Moon—Grain Moon
September: Full Harvest Moon—Blood Moon
October: Full Hunters Moon—Snow Moon
November: Beaver Moon—Oak Moon—Frosty Moon
December: Long Night Moon or Full Cold Moon—Wolf Moon—Before Yule Moon
When there are two full moons in one month, it is called “Blue Moon Month.”
To learn more about Moon Names, check out the Almanac sites at The
8 Phases of the Moon—Part 3 —Websites
Simplified Version
- Create a Moon Salutation series by performing Steps 3 through Step 13. When you are finished, include Step 14 to center yourself and breathe slowly for a while before lying down to relax and focus on what you have just done with your body and mind.
- Lie down on the floor on your back in the Corpse position (= Shavasana). Details are given in the Relaxation pages.
Bedtime Moon Series
- If you practice this Moon series before retiring for the night, concentrate on your Solar Plexus instead of between your eyebrows. This will help you to sleep soundly.
- With each inhalation, visualize the energy from your solar plexus as it radiates into your body through your navel and relaxes your entire body and any thoughts that are lingering in your mind.
- Whether you are inhaling, exhaling, or holding your breath—concentrate on your Solar Plexus, also known as the 3rd Chakra (Manipura). This area is ruled astrologically by the planet Mars.
In Sanskrit it is manas (= mind) and surya (= sun), because it is situated in the area between the navel and the ribcage.
Good Books
There are always great books to purchase on subjects covered in this section. However, my favorite is:
- The Serpent Power - The Secrets of Tantric and Shakti Yoga by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). Learn about the Chakra system and how the Kundalini can be used to awaken the centers of your spiritual nervous system (which is connected to your physical nervous system).
A Little History
According to the World Book of NASA, “By 1651, two Jesuit scholars from Italy, the astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the mathematician and physicist Franceso M. Grimaldi, had completed a map of the moon. That map established the naming system for lunar features that is still in use.”
To learn all about Moon, go to the next link below. You might be very surprised by what you learn.