Fun Moon Stories
and Thoughts
“The power of this satellite was noted by Cicero, when he observed that ‘Every month the Moon completes the same trajectory executed by the sun in a year....It contributes in large measure to the maturation of shrubs and the growth of animals.’” —A Dictionary of Symbols by J.E. Cirlot, Philosophical Library (1962)
“...sow seed and transplant only with a waxing moon, never a waning moon. The scientists have now caught up with this, discovering the effects of lunar rhythms on the earth's magnetic field which in turn affect growth. The Moon also affects the earth's atmosphere so that statistically it is more likely to rain heavily immediately after a Full or New Moon.” —Old Wives' Lore for Gardeners by Maureen and Bridget Boland (1976)

Rural Calendar
“The system for planting times is based essentially on lunar positions. The Moon is traditionally the governor and protectress of all green growing things and is considered to be most fruitful in her effects when posited in an Earth or Water sign, especially Taurus, Cancer or Virgo.” —The Phenomenon Book of Calendars 1979-1980 by Giuseppe Maria Sesti-A.T. Mann IV, Mary Flanagan-Painton Cowen. (If you are gardening, it's a good idea to read the Farmers Almanac to keep up with moon information.)
3 Main Motions of the Moon
In its 29.5-day cycle, the Moon moves through one sign in 2.5 days, which is 12 to 14 degrees per day. It moves 33 minutes per hour, which is approximately .5 degrees every hour. So, the moon moves about 1 degree every 2 hours. There are 60 minutes to 1 degree, to make this simple. Think about this when you watch the ebb and flow of the tides, which change every 6 hours just from the gravitational pull of the Moon! And imagine that while you are standing there watching the ebb and flow, the Moon is moving through space with the same speed as its own diameter—2,287 miles per hour! “The Moon is the planet of fecundation, the builder of the physical body, the transitory part of our being. It is the tie of life and nourisher on the physical plane. See Revelations 22:1-2: 'and on either side of the river, was there the Tree of Life which bare 12 manner of fruit, and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation.' (The Moon's monthly transit through the 12 signs.) The Moon rules the imagination, the creative part of mind.” —Keywords by Paul R. Grell, 1970Moon Trivia
- Never marry on a solar eclipse...unless you want to be divorced for sure within 6 months! (JB)
- Wait three days after a New Moon to take action on any project or something you consider very important. On the fourth and fifth days, get serious about any new beginnings.
- Sidereal: Time it takes the moon to be conjunct a star in the sky (same spot every month—27.3 days); Synodic month: Normal lunar month, 28-28.5 days with Sun; 29.5306 lunar month (new moon to new moon). There are 13 lunar months. All lunar calendars are based on the Synodic month.
- By pinpointing the degree of the New Moon in your horoscope every month, an astrologer can tell you where the energies are strongest for you and what action to take in your life for the next month (and into the future by knowing where the New Moon will fall for the next year). New Beginnings...it's like starting over every month. You are given a chance to create a positive direction by the actions you take.
- Solar eclipses are New Moon—invitations. Lunar eclipses are Full Moons—demand. (JB)

The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 5
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 1
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 2
The 8 Phases of the Moon - Part 3
Return to The Moon Salutation
Moon Salutation—Steps 1-2
Moon Salutation—Steps 3-4
Moon Salutation—Steps 5-6
Moon Salutation—Steps 7-8
Moon Salutation—Steps 9-10
Moon Salutation—Steps 11-12
Moon Salutation—Steps 13-14
Moon Salutation—More details
The 8 Phases of the Moon
The Complete Yoga Breath