—The Message of the Upanishads, Swami Ranganathananda “Chakras are psychic centres that lie along the axis of the spine as consciousness potentials. The chakras are not materially real and are to be understood as situated, not in the gross body, but in the subtle or etheric body. Repositories of psychic energies, they govern the whole condition of being.” —www.tantra-kundalini.com/chakras.htm

“One of the chief centers is that wherein dwells the Kundalini force. Kundalini means, literally, the 'coiled up'; is the dormant or sleeping power of the Supreme Life, which is in everything. It is found at the base of the Susumna (the middle channel passing through the spinal cord). It embraces the three channels, Ida (the moon), Pingala (the sun) and Susumna (the fire), and where these three merge they mingle and create a substance known as vija, which is intensely powerful and active, which passes through the entire body as a subtle force, giving motion, life and sensation, but most particularly—energy. This combination is known as the fundamental lotus, the base upon which rests all life within the body.” —Practical Yoga and Persian Magic by O. Hashnu Hara “The Susumna passes up the spinal cord to the right side of the Ajna Chakra and from there passes to the left nostril. The stream of fluid (from the Moon) comes up and passes to the left nostril. The Pingala comes from the left side of the Ajna Chakra and goes to the right nostril.” —Practical Yoga and Persian Magic by O. Hashnu Hara. (Think of this when you practice The Moon Salutation, too!) “The first or the base chakra is situated on the anterior side of the coccyx at the furthermost sympathetic nerve center of the spine, called the ganglion impar. It is here the coiled serpent in the form of the Kundalini power lies in wait for its rise up the spinal cord to unite with the crown chakra. This base chakra is related to the suprarenal cortex (Reiki hand position No. 11), the main nectar for adrenal or sympathetic function. It connects to the sexual chakra from which it draws the flame to awaken the Kundalini. It also connects to the important subchakras in the soles of the feet which anchor its polarity to the planetary body.” —Ambres The suprarenal cortex is also known as the cortex of the suprarenal gland, c. glandulae suprarenalis. The adrenal glands come under this category. “As the name suggests, it is located at the cephalic pole of each of the two kidneys. The right gland resembles a pyramid, or the cocked hat of colonial days; the left is semilunar in form and tends to be slightly larger. The medulla of the suprarenal gland is developed from cells of the neural crest which migrate along with the cells which form the sympathetic ganglia. These cells later detach themselves from the ganglia and become small knots of glandular cells scattered along the vertebral column.” —Gray's Anatomy Centennial Edition (1859-1959), The Suprarenal or Adrenal Gland, pp. 1401. (This gives one the powerful visual of how the energy of the Muladhara Chakra travels throughout the vertebral column on a physical level, and this is only one small part of it!)

“The Chakras are specialised channels of Colour force. It should be noted that the Red and Orange Chakras (the 1st and 2nd), which have to do with the physical and etheric aspects in man, are very closely related and are sometimes classed together as a single unit. Concisely speaking, they are the etheric organs working through thought and feeling directly upon the physical body.” —The Power of the Rays by S.G.J. Ouseley “Deep rhythmic breathing is of great value—it enables us to draw in a much greater supply of physical prana (energy) than the shallow, unmeasured form of breathing. The most beneficial form is Colour Breathing.” —The Power of the Rays by S.G.J. Ouseley (1951) (This is why I give color visualizations for each Chakra throughout this series. Learn them. You will see a difference in how much more energy you feel within you.) “Chakra: Literally, a wheel or circle. Energy (prana) is said to flow in the human body through three main channels (nadis), namely Susumna, Pingala and Ida, which start respectively from the right and left nostrils, move up to the crown of the head and course downwards to the base of the spine. These two nadis intersect with each other and also the Susumna. These junctions of the nadis are known as Chakras or the fly-wheels which regulate the body mechanism.” —Unknown source “Exactly how light penetrates or influences the body is not easy to comprehend. One view is that a permeation of the cells takes place as in ordinary osmosis. The most favored view, however, is that light and color influence the body by arousing sympathetic vibrations within the organism. In other words, light and color work according to the Law of Attraction. “In studying the nature of light it is important to remember that all radiations emitted from a luminous body travel through space in perfect rhythmic vibrations in the form of waves. The point of distance from crest to crest is called the wavelength and their 'beat' or rate of vibration is known as their frequency. Colors have varying wavelengths. For instance, Violet consists of very short waves, while Red has much longer ones. These facts are important in treating disease. The deep, slow warming vibration of Red light stimulates and invigorates the system, while the shorter and higher Violet and Blue waves calm and pacify.” —The Power of the Rays by S.G.J. Ouseley