When doing Om chanting or other mantras, it is possible to activate various chakras. By chanting at varying pitches, you will make different tissues in the body vibrate, thus stimulating the nerve centers and the glandular centers, and activating the chakras associated with them. With a bit of experimentation, you will find which tones or pitches vibrate which parts of the body and which chakras. When this has been ascertained, then chant with full force while meditating in the chakra you wish to activate. The sound waves create vibration patterns in the etheric, astral and mental atmosphere, which you can develop the ability to see. They are multicolored and very intricate and beautiful, sometimes forming geometrical patterns and mandalas made out of threads of light. Music will have a similar effect. Just listen to the music while observing the inner light through the Third Eye. Then watch the color patterns change and develop with the music. Classical music and Indian ragas are especially good for this purpose.

In the practice of this form of meditation, consciousness is made to dwell upon itself. When properly and successfully practiced, this is the most powerful and highest form of meditation. While focusing in the Heart Chakra or in the Sahasraram Chakra at the crown of the head, place the attention on the attention itself. If any distractions come in the form of thoughts and perceptions of a specific nature, then immediately concentrate your attention upon that consciousness in you which is the experiencer of those thoughts and perceptions. Even the manifestation of spiritual light and sound current should be regarded in this way. The sound current and the light are merely the lower overtone manifestations of the pure consciousness upon which you are meditating. The more you hold your attention steady in concentration upon itself, the more the light, sound current, electrical sensations in the body, feelings of magnetic force, sensations of weightlessness, etc. will manifest automatically. If, however, you allow your attention to become distracted by any of these manifestations, then you will be subject to the limitations of the thing by which you have been distracted; and the focusing of pure consciousness will be interrupted so that all of the things which are the lower overtones and by-products of the focusing of pure consciousness, possibly including the psychic manifestation which distracted your attention, will also stop. Seek first the kingdom of pure consciousness and all of these other psychic manifestations will be awakened within you. Placing the attention on the attention itself can be done in any location in space since pure consciousness, which is the same as God, is an omnipresent principle. In the beginning, it will be found easiest to do this in one of the chakras, preferably the Heart Chakra or the Sahasraram (Head Center). The Third Eye located on the brow, can also be used with good results, but it is better to use the Sahasraram Chakra if you can activate it. With practice of this form of meditation, your pure consciousness will experience itself as a blazing sea of white light extending infinitely in every direction. The pure consciousness itself is crystalline and colorless, but it generates the white light which is the simultaneous presence of all of the colors which are the specific lower overtone rates of vibration, which the pure consciousness generates. The placing of the attention on the attention itself in a specific chakra, brings about a condition in that chakra, in which its vibration structure is harmonically and geometrically aligned in all of its planes of manifestation or rates of vibration. This creates common node points in the inner plane structure of the chakra.
Vibrations of different frequencies and different wavelengths all begin and end together at these common node points. This is made possible by the fact that the wavelengths of the various vibrations and their frequencies all bear exact mathematical rates to each other, like the notes in a musical scale. Any vibrations which are out of phase in terms of their spatial distribution or vibratory rates are automatically canceled out by interfering with other waves at the common node points. Where several wavelengths, both short and long, begin and end their cycles together, it is possible to slip through the dimensions and to experience the higher spiritual rates of vibration and approach the Atman, which moves with infinite speed. At these common node points, the exchange of energy from one octave or plane to another, also becomes possible, allowing a flow of energy from the higher dimensions into the lower dimensions. Thus, a transmutation of those vibration patterns which exist on the lower dimensions into the higher ones becomes possible. The soul is then able to control the personality structure, making it a fit instrument of spiritual expression in the affairs of men. This form of meditation develops one-pointed concentration. Since meditation stimulates the flow of a great amount of energy from higher planes into the lower planes, any thought and emotion patterns created during a session are strongly imprinted and have a great deal of energy incorporated into their vibration structure. These thought and emotional patterns then act as powerful unconscious conditioning factors in our daily lives. It is therefore of the utmost importance that constructive imprints are made during a session. Remaining in control of the attention can ensure this. In this regard, I would like to give a few final points of advice. Try not to focus the attention from one thing to another too quickly. Stay with a thought or meditation process until it is complete. Don't panic if frightening visions occur. Fear will make you concentrate on them all the more and thus feed them with the power of your attention. Remain detached and place your attention on that consciousness within you which is experiencing the visions. Remember at all times that God exists in you in the form of your own power of attention and that power when properly directed, will control all lesser forces. It is believed by some researchers that meditation stimulates the secretion process of the pineal and pituitary glands, which are known by Yogis to be related to the Sahasrara and Agna chakras. This stimulation increases the flow of energy between the etheric body and the physical body. When the cells increase their activity, their vibratory rates increase, thus putting them harmonically in resonance with the higher rates of vibration on the subtle superphysical planes of energy. This process makes possible the expression of a higher level of consciousness through the glandular system, brain and nervous system. The increased physical cellular activity requires more work and activity in the etheric body to sustain the stepped-up activity of the physical body. The vibratory rate of the etheric body is thus accelerated, requiring an increased activity in the astral body to sustain and remain harmonically in tune with the etheric body. The increased vibratory rate of the astral body requires a stepped-up activity and increased vibratory rate in the mental body. This in turn more fully tunes the mental body in to the power, love and wisdom of the soul. Thus an alignment of the whole being on all planes is facilitated, and a more rapid exchange of pattern imprints and energy between the various octaves or planes of energy takes place.

Not only is the love, wisdom and power of the soul brought to bare in the life of the personality, but the fine organization of the physical body, the etheric, astral and mental bodies, which have been produced by the evolutionary process, are harmonically reflected and preserved in the soul. While the physical body is the least permanent, the densest and composed of the substance of the lowest plane, it is in terms of evolution, the newest and most highly organized in terms of structure. Therefore, a complete replica of it made out of the energy substance of the subtle planes, is an evolutionary gain for the soul and subtle bodies. When the physical body is sufficiently vivified by the influx of energy from the higher dimensions, it begins to create higher overtone reflections of itself in the akasha or energy substance of the higher planes, and thus its pattern is preserved and made immortal. Source: This article is part of a larger one that originally appeared as an uncopyrighted set of mimeographed sheets sometime during the late 1960s, which were freely distributed on a limited basis in San Francisco. Feel free to make copies of this article and to distribute it to to keep this information alive. Better than having it disappear into antiquity. I have edited this slightly for this site to make it shorter, while maintaining the important parts of it.
The 4 Directions Meditation - Part 10
Thoughts on Meditation by Jody Boyne - Part 11
Tibetan Therapeutic Eye Chart Meditation - Part 12
Introduction to Meditation - Part 1
Vivekananda, Trataka Meditation - Part 2
Application of Yoga Meditation Techniques
Part 3Other Yoga Meditation Techniques - Part 4
Chakra Meditations - Part 5
Traditional Buddha Breath Meditation - Part 6
How To Meditate - Part 7
Transcendental Meditation - Part 8