Definitions of Sahasrara
- Associations—The auric layer of the divine body, thus our best method to have direct communication is through our divine source. Etheric double. This is called the God Vishnu, the spirit, the positive pole being the opposite of the seat of Kundalini, the negative pole.
- Color—Violet-purple, ultra-violet, purple, clear or white, combination of all colors: white light, gold, blue with gold light around, silver. Yantra color: red; Sahasrara can also become the color of the dominant Chakra. People who see auras often describe the colors as yellow-gold and platinum. It is the halo that we see in paintings over the heads of saints and the like. “Violet: This Cosmic Ray is helpful to all who would develop the Inner Mind. By its power much that has hitherto been understood but vaguely is transmuted into a concrete reality. The Soul is revealed in its pristine purity and the student becomes the Knower. The Violet Ray is also known as the Voice of God. When the student recognizes this voice, he is fully illumined.”—The Power of the Rays by S.G.J. Ouseley

“The vitality globule though inconceivably minute, is so brilliant that it is often seen even by those who are not in the ordinary sense clairvoyant ... looking out towards the distant horizon, especially over the sea, will notice against the sky a number of the tiniest possible points of light dashing about in all directions with amazing rapidity. These are the vitality globules, each consisting of 7 physical atoms—the Fiery Lives, specks charged with that force which the Hindus call prana.” —Source: The Chakras - A Monograph by C.W. Leadbeater, The Theosophical Publishing House (1927) I recently came across this terminology about vitality globules while researching the sun on a scientific site. Leadbeater was writing about this in 1927. I have seen these globules my entire life without looking out at a horizon, and thought everyone else saw them, too. It came as quite a shock when I discovered that most people never see these bright little lights that come at you constantly. I always wondered what they were, so it was a exciting when I began to read all of the books from The Theosophical Society. Leadbeater and Annie Besant were involved with it from the very beginning, and were two of the the most prolific writers from that period.

- Element—Cosmic Energy, spirit, soul (Atman)
- Endocrine gland—The pituitary gland (hypophysis) secretes hormones to control the rest of the endocrine system, and also connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus. The thalamus is thought to have a key role in the physical basis of consciousness. This Chakra is said to be the Chakra of consciousness, the master Chakra that controls all the others.
- Energetic Life Force—Grounding consciousness, connection to the divine
- Essential Oils—Jasmine, frankincense. Also for aromatherapy: lavender, attar of rose
- Female Spin—Counter clockwise; Male Spin: Clockwise
- Flower Essences—Lotus, Angelica, Star Tulip
- Function—Alpha and Omega of all that is, connection to the divine, inspiration, wisdom, cosmic consciousness, oneness with all.
- Gemstone—Amber, amethyst, clear or rutilated quartz, diamond, iolite, Oregon opal, purple fluorite, pyrite, moldavite, selenite, serpentine, sugalite, tanzanite, Danburite, lepidolite, moldavite, iolite
- Lotus Petals—1,000 or endless (white as the silvery moon)
- Keywords—Infinity, self-realization, inspiration, thought, cosmic rays, transcendence, wisdom, bliss, understanding, complete oneness with all, soul, karmic, causal body, cosmic consciousness, spirituality, the Sun (patriarchal), the Moon (matriarchal), universal identity, meeting place of Kundalini Shakti and Shiva, oriented to self-knowledge. Samadhi (enlightenment) comes to one who reaches this Chakra and goes beyond.

- Mantra—All mantras, or silence (called Chakra seeds by my teacher) There are meditations given later in this series for each Chakra.
- Meditation—All powers, both natural and supernatural; Atman (spirit freed). OM (aum) and the tone is ahhhhhh
- Meridians— Energy Yang Organ
- Musical Tone—High B (Ti)
- Plane—Truth and reality
- Planetary Ruler(s)—Personally, I place Saturn and the Sun here. Traditionally, the Sun...but even more so - the Cosmos, the universe.
- Planetary Signs—I place Capricorn here. Traditionally, Moon (Cancer) by night; the Sun (Leo) by day. Some say Mercury (hermaphrodite planet, so patriarchal and matriarchal).
- Plexus—The pineal gland is usually given for this area of the head, so no plexus is actually defined. Most Gurus teach that this Chakra is above the crown of the head, not in it.
- Purpose—To become completely clear and balanced spiritually.
- Sense—Seventh sense, experience
- Sound—Ee (pronunciation-me)
- Symbol—The Ajna chakra showing the two petals, the itara-linga (the upraised conical object in the triangle), and the Pranava or Aum. A circle surrounded on each side by two large lotus petals (or a lotus with 96 petals ), and inside it a triangle. Between eyebrows with Antahkaran or the mind.
- Tempo—115
- Vibration—Angels, archangels
- Tree of Life—Keter: Crown, divinity, divine marriage, fire of the First Sun

- Yoga—Bhakti, as other Yogas, has certain states that one passes through whether one wants to or not. The first state is called Bhava (peace). The second is Bhava Mukta (a sweet mood that stays forever with the devotee). The third is Prem, (ecstatic love of the most Divine kind). Finally, one arrives at the state of SatChitAnanda - or the direct experience of God Union. At this point the Bhakti becomes the Gnani. The two Yogas which started out so differently become one. The center associated with Bhakti is the 7th chakra, the pituitary gland.
- Yoga postures—Fish, Seated Yoga Mudra, Shoulder Stand, Chanting

Learning to understand reality and not become attached. Seeing clear visions in dreams, reality, fantasies. Ramakrishna says this is the highest goal. “Here the awakened spiritual energy manifests itself in its full glory and splendor.” To open oneself to spiritual awakening without fear or judgment. This Chakra is also considered the seat of the intuition and higher knowledge. One learns to live in the Here and Now, and to experience Yoga—which means Unity. There are no words that can truly describe the experience of being 100% conscious in the human body, conscious of self, conscious of ALL. The only way to understand it is to be it. So much has been written, but each one of us has our own special belief system that we have put together in order to survive the best way we know how. It is either our own way of bringing the most happiness and peace into our lives, or for others—or it's just self-destructive and unconscious. There is not one answer about everything from anyone, anywhere or anything. It is up to each of one us to believe that we exist, and that our existence means something the short time we are here. Whatever road we take to help us get there is not to be judged by anyone else, unless it is being done without love in the heart for others. A man I have never met except through the Web, Jody Boyne, has been sending me incredible links for many years now. Here is an e-mail he sent to someone who was afraid of spontaneous physical experiences he had while practicing Kundalini Yoga: “Kundalini Yoga involves Pranayama or breath exercises, and can be unbalancing. When asked how to raise Kundalini, an Indian Saint said, 'Think about God, feed and serve people. It will go right up.'” Jody continues: “Focusing our attention on helping others avoids the temptations of spiritual pride in imagining ourselves superior students. As many teachers have said, 'we never leave the basics' and simple practices are often the most powerful, as well as easier to fit into a busy Western life in the world where few choose to become monks.” I like this, a lot. If you don't want to devote the time necessary to work on your Chakras as described in this series, because it does take time and devotion, then do what the Saint said—help others! Then you are at least living with the consciousness of this Chakra every day of your life.
“It is a paradox that a disciple feels both joy by the light of the soul and personal distress by the misery of mankind. The disciple sees the world in its naked reality, for all barriers between himself and others are dissolved. No longer can he keep his eyes shut to the actuality of things within and without him. Many people manage to be happy by screening their vision from the pain and sorrow in the world and by covering over the many conflicts of their subliminal nature. The developed aspirant, however, opens himself to all and everything. He is indiscriminately aware, vital, sensitive, and frequently suffering by what he sees. ” —Yogi Ramsuratkumar by Truman Caylor Wadlington I would add to that: When we experience love in it highest form—for everyone and everything—compassion is the result. No judgment. Just abiding compassion. If one wants to call this suffering, then I understand the above quote quite well. It's not a morbid struggling and it doesn't take away the joy of life. It's just that when I look at the world and see all the negativity before me, I realize that if everyone could just see the truth, even for a second, everything would change instantly. And this knowing, this understanding, helps me to feel love and compassion for those who have never felt this.