- Animal—Crocodile ... One of the best ways to open up this Chakra is to practice the Crocodile Exercises. There are more than 200 variations, and many are provided on this site in the Crocodile series. These are part of Kriya Yoga, and are very important to learn and do on a daily basis to help keep this area open and loose.
- Associations—Emotional auric layer of the emotional body; can extend out 36 inches from the skin. The center expands on the sides. Instincts of a child. The strongest of the first 3 Chakras. Splenic. Kama rupa
- Colors—Orange, red-orange, peach, deep purple, red, Yantra color: black.

- Element—Water (Use water in every healing way you know: drink it, bathe in it, drink herbal teas: jasmine, hibiscus blossom, chamomile, orange spice.)
- Endocrine gland—Lyden. Testes or ovaries produce sex hormones that are involved in reproduction. This is where mood swings can also take form.
- Energetic Life Force—Desire, emotional identity, liquidity, creativity
- Essential Oils—Rosemary, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, musk. Also for aromatherapy: musk, hyacinth, bergamot, coriander, honeysuckle, patchouli
- Female Spin—Clockwise; Male Spin—Counter-clockwise
- Flower Essences—Indian paintbrush, Lady's slipper, hibiscus
- Function—Creation of the species, creativity, emotion, sexual energy, self-acceptance, blood circulation.
- Gemstone—Garnet, moonstone, orange tourmaline, carnelian, coral, amber, calcite tiger’s eye, citrine, topaz, fire agate, fire opal, orange spinel, pietersite, rose quartz, actinolite in quartz, orange zincite
- Goddess—Rakini
- Keywords—Lower vitality, relationships, connections to others, kindness, emotions, feelings, motivations, responsiveness, assimilation of food, warmth, reproduction, support of life breath, giving, receiving, sensitivity, your own place, self-gratification, mysticism, fear.
- Lotus Petals—6 (vermillion)

- Mantra—VAM (called Chakra seeds by my teacher) There are meditations given later in this series for each Chakra.
- Meditation purpose—Fearlessness, freedom from bondage. OM, aum with the tone of oh (as in the o of ok.
- Meridians—Bladder: water energy Yang organ; kidney: water Energy Yin organ
- Musical Tone—D (Re or ray)
- Plane—Astral
- Planetary Ruler(s)—Personally, I place Mercury here, but traditionally it is Jupiter and Neptune.
- Planetary Signs—I place Gemini here. Traditionally, Sagittarius (Jupiter) by day, Pisces (Neptune) by night. Edgar Cayce attributes Neptune to this Chakra.
- Plexus—Prostatic

- Prana—There are 5 Pranas associated with Chakras. “Svadhisthana Chakra prana is rose and called Vyana. It causes the decomposition of the body.”—Swami Sivananda
- Purpose—To connect emotionally to our inner and outer lives; to learn to let one's hair down and surrender to trust; emotional identity; to cleanse and filter out negativity; to create a new human being out of a normal one; to turn an egg into a butterfly; dwelling place of the self.
- Sense—Taste, touch
- Sense organ—Tongue
- Shape—Crescent moon
- Sound—uu (pronunciation-you)
- Spiritual influence—Mysticism
- Symbol—Circle surrounded by 5 or 6 lotus petals. The crescent moon lying at the bottom (see symbol above or right). Some use the pyramid.
- Tempo—68
- Tree of Life—Navel chakra here—Hod and Netsach: glory, victory, success, confirmation, fire of material consciousness. Some still put this together with the Root Chakra, the genitals, which is Yesod.
- Vertebrae grouping—L1, L2, L3
- Vibration—Cherubim (also applies to navel-spleen)
- Work organs— Genitals
- Yoga—Gnana
- Yoga postures—Cobra, Triangle, Twist, Leg lifts, Crocodiles
To learn how to eliminate our need to control everything in our lives and open ourselves to surrender our beliefs in right or wrong and making judgments about everything. Opening this chakra brings balance into our lives. Those who practice QiGong might say that this helps to maintain a healthy yin-yang connection, because it is also in the area of the lower dantien (between the navel and the pubic hair—considered a very powerful area).