Definitions of Anahata
- Animal—Black antelope or gazelle, which symbolizes the lightness of physical substance.
- Associations—The auric layers of the intuitional and compassionate body. The “I” consciousness of the child begins here. Buddhi. Instinctively understanding the feelings of others. The aura issues from this chakra. Love and divine manifestation.
- Color—Radiant green, blood red, gold, golden pink, bluish-white (smoky), turquoise, Yantra color: dark blue. Green with Envy is a good way to express how this Chakra manifests when blocked.

- Element—Air, fire principle
- Endocrine gland—Thymus
- Energetic Life Force—Love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, generosity, gaseous, dreamless sleep.
- Essential Oils—Sandalwood, amber, attar of rose, cedar wood. Also for aromatherapy: attar of rose, jasmine
- Female Spin—Clockwise; Male Spin—Counter clockwise
- Flower Essences—Holly, poppy, California wild rose, amber or sandalwood fragrance
- Function—Respiration, disintegration, death of species, devotion, love, compassion, healing. This is the center that really opens your consciousness of love for all living things: humans, animals, plants—everything and everyone—without exception!
- Gemstone—Emerald, tourmaline (emerald green, green, pink), aventurine, green jade, Kunzite, malachite, rose quartz, rhodonite, plume agate, rutillated quartz, ruby, rhodochrosite, amber, blue topaz, Mother-of-Pearl
- Goddess—Kakini
- Keywords—Conscience, compassion, communion, self-acceptance, love, divine manifestation, forgiveness, unconditional love. This is the seat of the ego, emotional center, the feeling body, subtle mind, subtle wind, blue hexagon, two triangles.
- Lotus Petals—12 (scarlet)
- Mantra—YAM (called Chakra seeds by my teacher) There are meditations given later in this series for each Chakra.
- Meditation purpose—Past, present and future reveal all their secrets. OM (aum) and the tone is aaaaaaaaahh
- Meridians—Gallbladder (wood energy Yang organ); Liver (wood energy Yin organ)
- Musical Tone—F (Fa) Some use F#
- Plane—Balance
- Planetary Ruler(s)—Traditionally, Venus is placed here. Some also place the Sun (matriarchal).
- Planetary Signs—I place Aries here. Traditionally, Libra (Venus) by day; Taurus (Venus) by night. Edgar Cayce places Venus here.
- Plexus—Cardiac
- Prana—There are 5 Pranas associated with Chakras. “Anahata Chakra prana is yellow and is also called Prana.” —Swami Sivananda
- Purpose—Emotional empowerment, to heal the wounds of the heart through hurtful situations, to become love itself. This is the heart center, the center of love within our human body. Learning to experience this Chakra results in healing whatever it is you need to heal from within. Knowledge of the mind and all its inner workings can be attained through this life force of the heart.
- Sense—Touch
- Shape—Hexagonal
- Sound—ah (pronunciation-ma)
- Spiritual influence—Love
- Symbol—A circle surrounded by 5 or 6 lotus petals, some use the Cross; a little flame from a candle or oil lamp.
- Tempo—82
- Tree of Life—Geburah and Gedulah: Severity or rigid justice, penance, fire of devotion
- Vertebrae grouping—T2 through T7
- Vibration—Dominations
- Work organ—Hands
- Yoga—Karma
- Yoga Postures—Camel, Cobra, Fish, Sukh-Purvak Breath Technique

Forgiveness. To forgive completely from the heart that is hurt is one of the highest acts of a human being. It is the one thing that could prevent war forever. Try to love others in the same way a dog does, unconditionally, without judgment. Be open. Connecting to our own compassion from the heart of love itself. In Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey and Djwhal Kshul, there is much written about Chakras. It is free and I highly suggest anyone who is interested in this subject to check it out. This is an incredible gift. Suggestion: download the content and save it for when you have time to read it all! And thank you to the people who provided this invaluable source online for everyone:http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/healing/heal1012.html Here is an excerpt: “There are two streams of energy which must be considered in studying the factors leading to physical plane actions. I would remind you in this connection that disease is an activity of the physical plane. The two streams are:
- The stream of life itself, anchored in the heart, which determines the vitality of man, his capacity to work, and the term of his existence.
- The predominating stream of energy coming from the astral, mental or soul bodies. These control (your) expression upon the physical plane.”