

The Crown Chakra - The Thousand-Petalled Lotus Center

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Sahasrara Links

Click Chakra images below to learn about each one individually.

Root Chakra
1st Chakra

Sacral Chakra
2nd Chakra

Navel Chakra
3rd Chakra

Heart Chakra
4th Chakra

Throat Chakra
5th Chakra

Third Eye Chakra
6th Chakra

NASA Eye of God image in center. Crown Chakra.
7th Chakra

Sukh-Purvak Variation
SahasraraMy Favorite Quotes About Sahasrara

This is a wonderful quote because it doesn't even need to use the word Love for one to understand its meaning. I don't know who wrote it:

“Through identification with pure Spirit, every liberated man experiences a peace which passes all understanding. No longer does he mistake himself to be his illusory personality or even his spiritual Ego. They remain to him as a mere medium of expression and service through which the power and energy of the Divine may be channeled.”

“The Thousand-petalled lotus commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at its the highest opens to the intuition through which ... the overmind can have ... communication or an immediate contact.”—Sri Aurobindo

“Above the head extends the higher consciousness centre, sahasradala padma. But usually there is partial working of the forehead centre also when the sahasradala opens. The ordinary mind is at its highest the free intelligence, receiving perhaps intuitions and intimations from above which it intellectualises. It is on the surface and sees things from outside except in so far as it is helped by intuition and other powers to see a little deeper. When this ordinary mind opens within to inner mind and psychic and above to higher mind and higher consciousness generally, then it begins to be spiritualised and its highest ranges merge into the spiritual mind-consciousness of which this higher mind can be a beginning. This merging is part of the spiritual transformation.”—Sri Aurobindo

“When the [7th Chakra] 7th centre is quickened, the man is able by passing through it to leave his body in full consciousness, and also to return to it without the usual break, so that his consciousness will be continuous through night and day. When the fire has been passed through all these centres [Chakras] in a certain order (which varies for different types of people), the consciousness becomes continuous up to the entry into the heaven-world at the end of the life on the astral plane, no difference being made by either the temporary separation from the physical body during sleep or the permanent division at death.” —Source: The Chakras - A Monograph by C.W. Leadbeater, The Theosophical Publishing House (1927)

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“...a state in which the consciousness is no longer in the body or limited by it; it feels itself not only above it but extended in space; the body is below its high station and enveloped in its extended consciousness. . .it becomes only a circumstance in the largeness of the being, an instrumental part of it. . .in the definite realization of a higher station above there is really no more coming down except with a part of the consciousness which may descend to work in the body or on the lower levels while the permanently high-stationed being above presides over all that is experienced and done.” —On Yoga, Tome II, p. 246

“Spiritual liberation is not at all a mere affair of the intellect, but rather the realization of the inmost Self, the inward vision of the soul, and the transcendence of the personality.” —Yogi Ramsuratkumar by Truman Caylor Wadlington

“On the one hand it may be seen as the emancipation from the darkness of evil, ignorance, egotism, and misery, and from the bonds of desire and attachment. On the other hand it may be regarded as the acquisition of wisdom, power, love and peace brought about through a development and expansion of the consciousness to an almost limitless degree.”

To experience chakras, try this hand exercise from Llewellyn Encyclopedia.

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Following One’s Thoughts

  • Sit in a comfortable meditation position. Allow your mind to become relatively calm and quiet, using whatever technique is most effective for you. Breathe slowly.
  • Gradually let yourself pay attention to the thoughts that pass through your mind. Pick one and ask yourself where it came from—what thoughts preceded it. Then follow to the origin of that thought. It may be something that occurred years ago or something that is pressing on you right now. Then again follow that thought to its source and on to each thought’s origin. Eventually, we come to a kind of infinite source that has no objective origin.
  • Return and pick another thought that passes through. Repeat the same sequence, going further and further back. See how many of your thoughts emanate from a similar source—either an issue you’re working with in your life right now, a past teaching, or your own place of connection with the infinite.

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“This chakra is usually the last to be awakened. In the beginning it is the same size as the others, but as [you] the man progresses on the Path of spiritual advancement, it increases steadily until it covers almost the whole top of the head...

“The crown chakra is not connected with any of the sympathetic plexuses of the physical body, but is associated with the pineal gland and the pituitary body. It is related also to the development of the brain and spinal system of nerves.” —No clue where this came from, but it's wonderful.

(Slightly edited to shorten) “The pituitary is the master gland in the body ... it controls weight, femininity, masculinity, bones, hair follicles, and even the thyroid. When the thyroid overworks, the pituitary balances it by overworking. It is also the master gland for the ovaries (orchic glands govern the prostate gland). All of these glands must have a balancer, which is the pituitary gland as it works to balance all the other glands in the body.” —How to Revitalize the Glands by Bernard Jensen, Nutritionist, Teacher of Right Living

In the Meditation series, I provide a page on Trataka Meditation. I use a candle flame there. However, according to Swami Sivananda, “Trataka is a steady gazing at a particular point or object without winking. Though this is one of the six purification exercises, it is mainly intended for developing concentration and mental focusing. It is very useful for the students of Hatha, Jnana, Bhaki and Raja Yogas. There is no other effective method for the control of the mind.” Practice this gazing meditation. It will help your vision, your ability to focus, and will calm down your mind.

Very similar to self-hypnosis, Swami Sivananda gives an example of gazing on a black dot on a piece of white paper hanging on the wall in front of you (hypnotherapists use this method to relax the mind completely as they give affirmations of going deep into a state of trance for a session). It works. It puts you directly into another state of mind. Try it. You might discover how easy it is for you to relax this way every day!

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