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Inner Massage of Stomach Muscles and Organs - Part 2

Complete Yoga Breath
with Sound!

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Eugenia demonstrates Nauli-KriayaEugenia demonstrates the difficult goal of Nauli. Following are the various stages of this exercise in images first, and then the instructions follow. There will be more in the future, and a short DVD with the entire series of Nauli-Kriyas will be produced. For now, look at these images to get an idea of what you are about to learn how to do to improve your health tremendously.

Eugenia demonstratesHere Eugenia beautifully demonstrates the power of controlling the muscles and organs inside of her body. She gives her inner organs a massage in this way, by moving back and forth. See below for the other side. She moves back and forth to do this. Also notice how she uses her hands to press down on the right thigh as she pulls in the left side of her body in the image above.

And here are two images side by side to get the full impact. Imagine this in motion. She moves from one side to the other. Look at the control and how she moves the organs back and forth within her body.

Eugenia demonstrates both sidesHere Eugenia also demonstrates a new position to take for Nauli (kneeling and sitting), which she devised to make this exercise easier for her students in the beginning. Look at how she does this. Imagine that she is rolling her muscles back and forth, from one side to the other (because she actually is doing that!). She sits on her feet with her toes bent and stable. You are not expected to be able to do this in any capacity from the beginning! With daily practice and doing the preliminary Uddiyana-Bandha, you will eventually be able to do this.

Note: Notice how her larynx (throat) is pulled in from the strong motion of pulling in one side of her body here. This is one way to check yourself. Do this in front of a mirror please. And also notice how she keeps her chin straight here. Her throat is not blocked by her chin coming into it here.

This is one of the most difficult movements to master, so don't feel discouraged. It can take up to 6 months for some people to achieve!

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Inner massage - Nauli Kriya

Nauli, which is the crown of all Yoga exercises, lights the gastric fires, brings forth all the feelings of well-being, and eliminates many diseases. In Hatha Yoga Pradipika (11:35), the author placed a lot of emphasis on this. We know that many people have stomach and intestinal problems. Some people really suffer their entire lives and live on drugs. So, why doesn't everyone know about this? One can't help but wonder, since it's been around for thousands of years!

Even my teacher—and you see how she does this so perfectly—said that it took her 6 months to really get this down. She also said that if you practice this for 10 minutes every morning on an empty stomach, you will soon see the results you desire. Just imagine that you will never be constipated again after you have learned how to do this. That should be enough for a lot of people!

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First Get These Right

  • Repeat all of the instructions that were given in Part 1 and above for Uddiyana-Bandha. If done properly, you have also been to the Breath series and learned (diaphragm and ribcage) stages of the Complete Yoga Breath. There are links to these specific pages, but it would be a wise idea to learn all the stages if you plan to do the postures on this site.
  • When you begin to practice the breathing part of this with the diaphragm and ribcage, sit with your legs crossed, or if you already know how, in the lotus posture (only for advanced) and do the breath techniques about 10 times before you begin this Bandha.
  • You have also studied The Cleansing Breath in the Breath series. Go there now to first learn how to do this properly. Suggestion: Print it out and then return to this page.
  • Now that you have learned the breath techniques, you are in Uddiyana-Bandha as described previously.

Preliminary Nauli Moves

  • Note: Just like with Uddiyana-Bandha, you will get rid of all the air by blowing out in a sh! form with your lips, and you won't inhale until you have relaxed your abdomen and you are standing after you do the following:
  • You have exhaled vigorously, and now with the mid-section of your body pulled in and up, contract your abdominal muscles, and then arch them forward with a strong push. This is NOT easy! Just as described above, when you pull in one side, your push forward the opposite thigh with pressure on the knees or thighs with your hands.
  • Do this until you feel the urge to breathe (without straining!). Again, just as in the previous movements, relax your abdomen first before you begin to inhale.

Now you have done the side to side versions of Nauli. The final, Nauli-Kriya, is with the rotation of the muscles, and is the most difficult version to do.

  • Having done all of the above and assumed the proper position, you will move your hips in a slow circular motion (sort of like hula dancers do in the South Pacific) and then shift this rhythmical movement to the abdominal rectus muscles. Believe me, you will know when you have done it correctly. It will fee quite wonderful!

Yoga and Health by Yesudian and Haich

This asana “could also be called a central isolation of the rectus abdominal muscle. It has 4 variants: Nauli-Madyama (the central isolation of the rectus abdominis), Dakshina-Nauli (isolation of the rectus on the right side), Vaman-Nauli (left side), and Nauli-Kriya (twisting of the rectus abdominis).”

Note: “The rectus abdominis is a long flat muscle, which extends along the whole length of the front of the abdomen, and is separated from its fellow of the opposite side by the linka alba. It is much broader, but thinner, above than below, and arises by two tendons; The lateral or larger is attached to the crest of the pubis, the medial interlaces with its fellow of the opposite side, and is connected with the ligaments covering the front of the symphysis pubis. The muscle is inserted by three portions of unequal size into the cartilages of the 5th, 6th and 7th ribs. The upper portion, attached principally to the cartilage of the 5th rib, usually has some fibers of insertion in to the anterior extremity of the rib itself. Its action: 1) flexes the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar portion, drawing the sternum toward the pubic, 2) tenses the anterior abdominal wall and 3) assists in compressing the abdominal contents.” —Gray's Anatomy

Gray's Anatomy definitions are very explicit, but there is so much more to the muscles of this region and all the areas that this exercise affects. More to come in the future about this. Eugenia shows how to do both sides and then how to bring it all to the middle (as shown on this page above, top).

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If you can also tense the muscles of your anus, the flow of the air can be directed to the hollow bone of your spinal column down to the perineum. This is a very powerful movement of energy.


Just as with Uddiyana-Bandha, all of the organs in your body are worked on with this exercise. Even the heart and the lungs are lifted a bit. This is about the best way you could ever find to massage your inner organs. Digestion is improved, constipation eliminated, liver strengthened. This is much deeper than Part 1 though. Blood streams into the organs while moving them in this posture. They are activated, strengthened, rejuvenated. The entire spine gets a powerful stretch. The throat is stimulated. So much of the body is refreshed...

Caution: If you have a heart problem of any kind, this exercise must be done with caution. In fact, it is a good idea to ask your health care practitioner before doing this. It is also extremely important that each time you hold your breath or wait to inhale, it should feel good, not stressful and tense. Tension with this exercise could be hard on the heart and the lungs. There are more advanced ways to do this exercise, but I leave that to Yoga teachers to guide you.

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